Rebecca is a model, aerialist, and dancer. BetterBizWorks teams up with local models and actors to help provide quality photography and videos. To hire Rebecca as a model for your next photo or video shoot with BetterBizWorks, contact us.

Rebecca 1 Aerial Silks2021-05-17T14:04:23-04:00
Rebecca 2 Black & White2021-05-17T14:04:31-04:00
Rebecca 4 Lyra Swing2021-05-17T14:04:55-04:00
Rebecca 5 on Lyra in Red2021-05-17T14:05:50-04:00
Rebecca 6 on Lyra in Black2021-05-17T14:05:32-04:00
Rebecca 7 with Mirror2021-05-17T14:10:35-04:00
Rebecca 8 Draped on Lyra2021-05-17T14:06:14-04:00
Rebecca 9 Grayscale2021-05-17T14:06:23-04:00