The marketing world is constantly growing and changing. If your business doesn’t keep up, it can fall behind. It is crucial for small business owners to ensure their company is in the best shape it can be, while staying up to date with the times.
High ranking in search engines– One essential step in running a small business is keeping your website up to date by using blogs or a news page. This will attract a larger audience because of the keywords being used, while Google and other search engines will rank your page higher due to the updated content. While these blogs are influential to rankings, make sure you are always writing for the customer and not the search engines. Blogs should be written once a month to once a week, depending on sales.
Take advantage of Q&A– Most search engines focus on mobile searches, as well as voice searches. A question and answer page can drive more traffic to your website, while appealing to your customers. Use as many “Why” and “How” questions as possible. These certain types of questions relate to the process that consumers think while learning about businesses. Ask for feedback, and utilize tools such as customer surveys to track customer satisfaction. Use them regularly, and update forums with new questions, such as how customers feel about new products and features.
Mobile Advertising– It is expected that mobile in- app advertising will surpass search advertising on basic PC’s within the coming years. According to studies, all key domains of mobile advertising will triple in value within the next two years. In a different study found by Smart Insights, people have spent more time on their smartphone than a PC or tablet, which leads to more mobile in-app purchases. By 2017, the total of global sales from in-app purchases is projected to amount to nearly $37 billion.
Technological advances will always speed up. To be effective, it is crucial that business owners don’t simply jump on the bandwagon. Consider options thoroughly and strategically, while keeping your target audience in mind.