Why BetterBizWorks?
Aside from our exemplary customer service, BetterBizWorks offers several web design packages for incomparably low prices. At BetterBizWorks, we understand that smaller and newer businesses have tighter budgets in their early phases.
Why do you have multiple offices?
BetterBizWorks has on office for web design and software development in Staten Island New York. Our Office in New Jersey houses operations, web marketing analysis and payment processing. We also have a customer service department in Knoxville TN.
Do you outsource any of your web work?
All work is done by our programmers and designers in NY. We don’t outsource any work outside of the United States.
Do you use templates or is your work custom?
BetterBizWorks doesn’t use templates. All of our work is custom unless the customer specifically asks us to work with a template. We frown upon template work. There are too many “web designers” that hide behind other people’s talent. We do custom work for our clients.
Can you provide us with a Real Time Shopping Cart for eCommerce?
BetterBizWorks can give you a complete eCommerce website with SSL certificate, secure payment gateway and a real-time shopping cart and merchant services if you need it. We have been involved in payment processing for more than 10 years and we can provide turn-key payment solutions for your business.
Are you hiring?
We are always looking for quality programmers, graphic designers and consultants to help people with their websites and marketing goals. Go to the contact us page and email your resume to us if you’re looking for a website and technology company with a future. We are currently hiring in NY and NJ.
How long does it usually take to complete a website?
Production time can vary depending on individual needs but we can usually custom complete a 5 to 10 page website within 30 days, provided the customer has the items and content ready that is needed to help us plan the website.
If I wanted to get started on the Internet what could I expect to pay with your company?
BeterBizWorks offers a small business starter package that includes a five page website, email marketing program, hosting, domain name, online advertising on one of our directories and 3 hours of maintenance per year for as litlle as $99.00 per moth for 18 months with a contract. It’s a great way to get a beautiful custom website, with a great marketing package to help you get new customers, drive traffic to your website and maintain an effective web presence. Contact Us to find out how to get started.