It’s important for business in the NY City area to engage existing customers on their mobile phones, tablets and PCs. Many consumers use all three and they expect companies to offer ease of use on the platforms they are comfortable on. Consumers engage on mobile phones when they are on the go, teablets are useful at home or at leisure and PCs are often used in the office or at work. Having you business readily available for use in these areas are pertinent to your success.
Every business needs a responsive website. There used to be a time when certain industries could get away with a standard site but not any more. Mobile usage has surpassed PC usage since 2014. These preferences for mobile will only increase as time goes by. Your website needs to be more than mobile. It needs to be responsive. This means that your website will adapt to the user. It should be optimized for easy ways for the consumer to reach you and interact with you. People expect to sign up, subscribe, purchase or set an appointment quickly and easily or they will move on to your competition. A phone call should be one click away at any time. Make sure your website makes interaction easy. Allow your customers to share your ideas on social media. Exploring your website should be fun, engaging and easy.
Apps are a great way to become an active part of your customer’s lives. Having your icon on their mobile fun is a great way to promote your brand while keeping your company one click away from easy engagement. The days are gone where customers have to remember your url. An app allows them to download your company onto their mobile phone. Once they download your app and sign up for your updates you can send them instant notifications to everyone through geo-targeting. You can move merchandise in excess inventory or let people know that you are low and they should stop by while supplies last. Offering notifications, email subscription, rewards, digital coupons and social engagement are just a few reasons for having a mobile app. One wonderful feature is the ability to integrate your online shopping cart from your website into your mobile app. As a matter of fact aNy mobile feature on your website can be integrated into your app. This makes the possibilities of what you offer in your app endless.
The best part is that today’s apps can be beautiful, easy to use and affordable. Don’t hesitate to look into the advantages that mobile apps and responsive websites can offer you for your business. Call BetterBizWorks for an appointment today, and we will expand your digital world.